Thursday, November 27, 2008

ICO Global Communications (Nasdaq: ICOGF)

ICO Global Communications (Nasdaq: ICOGF) was established in January 1995 as a private company to provide global mobile personal communications services by satellite, including digital voice, data, fax and messaging services. It hopes to be up and running by 3Q 2000. It's competitor, Iridium, has been live since November 1 1998.It has raised approximately US$3 billion to date from equity and debt investors. Among its investors are more than 60 strategic partners and investors, comprising telecommunications and technology companies from over 50 markets around the world. In July 1998, ICO was listed on Nasdaq in New York and became a public company. In August 1999, ICO filed for bankrupcy protection. In November 1999, ICO was bailed out by a US$1.2 billion investment by industry veteran Craig McCaw.
ICOs satellite services are expected to be used by international and domestic cellular users who roam outside areas covered by compatible cellular networks from business, industry and government organisations, mining, transportation, aeronautical, maritime, media and other sectors, as well as residents of rural and remote areas lacking adequate local communications.
Click HERE for a description of competing mobile satellite phone systems.
See the comparative system specs & costs tables.
See also GSM & GMPCS Roaming
See here for an explanation of LEO, MEO, GEO satellite systems
ICO's services will be based on a new generation of pocket-sized mobile phones that will allow users to make and receive calls at any time,anywhere in the world. The handsets will be dual mode, capable of working on satellite, cellular and PCS networks. Using their handsets, customers will be able to roam between ICO and mobile networks around the world. If no cellular network is available, the handset will roam to ICO's satellite network to offer customers unrestricted mobility and accessibility for their communications needs. ICO's services will be available to a wide range of users - from people living and working in remote rural areas to the international business traveller. In addition, ICO will offer services to the road transport, maritime and aeronautical sectors.
Inmarsat, made up of 76 government-run PTTs, is currently the only player to have operational portable satcoms devices through their Inmarsat A,C, M and B terminals. Hughes Aerospace will build the ICO satellites in addition to being ICO’s sole North American Service

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