Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thuraya System Architecture

The Thuraya system is comprised of 3 key elements:Space SegmentGround SegmentUser Segment
Thuraya’s satellites have been specially designed to achieve network capacity of about 13,750 telephone channels.
Designed for a lifespan of 12 to 15 years, Thuraya’s satellite will maintain geosynchronous orbit at 44° East.
The system has been adapted for efficient operation in both satellite and GSM environments.
It provides high flexibility in managing network resources through a re-programmable satellite payload.
This supports modifications to the system’s coverage area even in the post-launch period and optimises performance over high demand areas.
The first satellite will be launched in May of year 2000, while commercial services to subscribers will begin in September of the same year.
Ground Segment:The Ground Segment comprises of the Primary Gateway and the Regional Gateways.
A Primary Gateway, to be situated in Sharjah, UAE, will be responsible for Thuraya’s entire network, in addition to serving as the MSS’s main digital exchange. Individual Regional gateways could be established later in other countries as necessary.
The Primary Gateway comprises of the satellite control facilities and the Gateway Station
The design of the regional gateways, which will be based upon that of the Primary Gateway, will provide the necessary interface with other Thuraya gateways (via satellite) and public terrestrial networks. Regional gateways will be set up to meet the specific requirements of the local markets.
Segment Services:
Telecommunications Services:
Fax at 2.4, 4.8 and 9.6 Kbps
Data at 2.4, 4.8 and 9.6 Kbps
GSM Standard Supplementary Services:
Call Forwarding
Call Barring
Calling Line Identification
Call Line Identification Restriction
Closed User Group, Multiparty
Call Waiting
Short Messages Service
SM Beam Broadcast
Value Added Services/ Intelligent Network Services:
Pre-paid SIM Card Services
Hot Billing Services
Free Phone Service
Premium Rate Service
IVR Services
Voice Mailbox Service

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